Portraits | Weddings | Events | Travel
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Portraits | Weddings | Events | Travel
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“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” – Dorothea Lange
A portrait is a representation of a person, usually in the form of a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic medium. Portraits are created to capture the likeness, personality, and often the mood or expression of the individual being portrayed. They have been a popular form of artistic expression throughout history and serve as a means of commemorating or celebrating individuals.
I love the paragraph above because it does such a great job of representing why I enjoy taking pictures of people so much.
I get to celebrate, I get to focus, I get to observe, I get to attend to someone's life.
And then, as if I get to place a cherry on top, I often am afforded the chance to place my creative spin on things.
I love portraiture the most and I have been around people most of my life and love capturing the expressions that are so amazing amongst humans.
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